Sunday, April 3, 2011

Each Peach Massage Bar

This massage bar has pros and cons.  It has a nice fruity scent (it reminded me of Fruit Loops) and a beautiful "carving" of flowers on it.  The scent is very awakening and young.  This bar melts very easily and it doesn't take very much of it to cover the skin of the lucky person to receive a massage.  I would recommend letting this fully soak in or taking a shower to wash of the extra oils before getting dressed or getting in your bed sheets.  I found that after a while and body heat, the scent was a little overpowering and the room changed into a too-strong, fruity smelling gas chamber.  Also, my breakout prone skin was a little agitated by the heavy oils and my back was problematic for a few days afterward. 

This is a nice fun scent and any massages that happen with it will likely become playful.  Check it out:

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