Saturday, March 26, 2011

You've Been Mangoed Bath Melt

This was my first ever bath melt.  I decided I had to get it when I went to pick it up in the store and the sucker slipped right out of my hands!  I HAD to conquer it.  I couldn't really place the smell until later on when I was sitting the the water.  Like the Dragon's Egg bath bomb, it smelled like lemon Pledge.  The evil lemon Pledge from my childhood.  I'm excited to find a lemon scent that doesn't bring back memories of Saturdays forced to dust and vaccum my day away.  I might be bitter.....ok I'm damaged LOL  Now back to the product.  It melted very easily and was almost as interesting as a science experiment.  How oh, how and why does it stay solid yet refuse to stay solid in contact with anything above room tempurature?  Anyhow, I used only half in my small tub and it did the trick.  My skin was cloud-soft afterward.  Thankfully, even though the air held the smell of Pledge, my skin just smelled fresh and citrusy.  My finace used the other half the next night in an attempt to soothe his sore legs and said it made his skin soft and smelled very nice.  I'm excited to see what the other bath melts are like.  I'm thinking this not be my favorite one, but I did enjoy the way it made my skin feel.

By the way, I'm noticting that the products with lemongrass oil in them remind me of Pledge.  I'm curious to see if I can find one that doesn't!  For now, I've been Pledged

Head over the Lush's website and check it out!
You've Been Mangoed

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